‘Fault proofs’ are implemented by OP Mainnet to reinforce rollup decentralization

  • Fault proofs have been added by developers to the OP Mainnet.
  • The goal is to apply fault tolerance to Base, Metal, Mode, and Zora, among other OP Stack-based chains.

In terms of decentralization, OP Labs has advanced the project to a stage 1 rollup with the publishing of fault proofs on the Layer 2 blockchain, OP Mainnet.

Users can dispute and erase erroneous withdrawals thanks to the fault-proof method, which permits ether and ERC-20 token withdrawals from the OP Mainnet without the assistance of reliable third parties. 

For Ethereum Layer 2 networks, fault proofs provide a way for users to challenge transactions that might be erroneous or fraudulent.

The installation of fault proofs was backed by several core development teams in the Optimism ecosystem (or Superchain), including OP Labs, Base, and Sunnyside Labs, prior to approval through Optimism’s governance processes, showing a collaborative effort.

Fault proofs were previously absent from the OP Mainnet, therefore users had to rely on operators to upload correct state roots to the mainnet.

Optimistic rollups are a scalability solution used by OP Mainnet and other Optimism ecosystem chains. They aggregate Ethereum transactions off-chain for less expensive processing.

In addition to creating the OP Mainnet, OP Labs runs the OP Stack, a development software stack that lets programmers start their own Layer 2 blockchains. The popular cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase used the OP Stack to create its Base blockchain.

The supervisory function of the Security Council

In the event of a system breakdown, the Optimism Security Council may still step in and restore the system to a permissioned state as part of a safe and responsible rollout, even though open participation in the fault-proof system is now active. 

The Security Council can efficiently handle system faults thanks to additional safeguards, which also include the option to reset withdrawals if needed.

The goal of OP Mainnet’s roadmap is to achieve a completely decentralized and permissionless “stage 2” that is only controlled by smart contracts.

The majority of hopeful rollup blockchains still haven’t managed to sustain decentralized contract upgrades and include fault proofs into their networks to decentralize them. But Arbitrum, Optimism’s nearest rival, also provides error proofs.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Lalit Mohan

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