Aurory Announces Expansion into the Ethereum Layer 2 Arbitrum

The realm of blockchain technology is witnessing advancements at a blazing speed in today’s world. The innovation revolutionized the landscape of various sectors, but it goes without saying that the gaming industry is leading the charge.

Among the many cryptocurrencies news today, the move of Aurory to expand into the Ethereum layer 2 solutions, Arbitrum takes the attention away. The gaming platform powered by Solana made an announcement today of expanding its reach beyond the Solana blockchain for adding a cross chain-support to its digital assets.

This can be categorized as Aurory’s well-planned move to build on the strengths of both Solana and Arbitrum’s network creating several new opportunities for its community members.

Aurory: Solana-powered Gaming Platform

Before we dive into the news of the expansion, let’s familiarise ourselves with Aurory! 

Aurory is a Solana-powered Non-fungible token (NFT) driven gaming platform that began its development in 2021. It offers a decentralized ecosystem, enabling the community of players and developers a seamless experience with its low transaction cost and high processing speeds. 

At the heart of Aurory, fueling its ecosystem lies the Aurory NFT and token ($AURY). The players can earn the $AURY token through 2 two gaming modes, player versus environment (PvE) or player versus player (PvP), and even through staking. 

Aurory has gained immense traction in the gaming community through its distinctive approaches of rewarding players and tokenizing the in-game assets.

Aurory’s Expansion into Arbitrum

The question that arises now is why Arbitrum? Though Ethereum is one of the very few distinctive and recognized blockchain platforms with an extremely well-developed community, it faces some congestion. The immensely high network on it has led to an increase in gas fees and slower transaction speed. 

As per the recent announcement of the company, Aurory will be expanding from Solana to Arbitrun, a layer 2 solution on Ethereum. Jonathan Campeau, the Executive Producer at Aurory clearly mentioned that they are not leaving the Solana network but this is a pure business strategy of adopting other chains. The company chooses to brand this as an expansion and not a migration.

This is where the secondary solution like the Arbitrum comes into the picture. Being a layer 2 solution on the Ethereum blockchain network it helps the load off the primary network. By shifting the computational load from the Ethereum network, a layer 2 solution helps speed up the transaction time and ultimately lower the cost involved in each transaction.

Advantages of the Expansion

Aurory’s decision to expand to Arbitrum presents several benefits to both the gamer and the developer community. It offers the players a frictionless user experience with reduced gas fees and a higher transaction speed and gives developers access to a larger user base.

Additionally, Aurory allows the transfer of assets between Solana and Arbiturm, though the users are required to set up their wallets using platforms like the Phantom and Solfare as Solana stands apart from the Ethereum ecosystem. However, considering the possibility of a slight hinge to the users, Aurory offers a proposition where the players have the liberty to sign in to the game with just their email address and connect the wallet at a later time.

With a promise to enhance scalability, reduce the transaction cost and speed up the process, Aurory’s move of expansion from the Solana to the Arbitrum blockchain network is a bold one. The success of the expansion largely depends on the response of the community members but undoubtedly it sets foot into the new era of decentralized gaming. 

Disclaimer: This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Puskar Pande

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