What Does Burning Crypto Mean?

  • Crypto burning is essentially the deliberate transfer of your coins into an inaccessible digital wallet with the goal of permanently losing them.
  • One method of managing coin circulation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem is called “crypto burning.”
  • Crypto burning can take place in a DAO collectively or unilaterally by a developer.
  • For burning cryptocurrency, only burner or eater addresses are utilized.

What Does Burning Crypto Mean?

In contrast to burning paper money, burning cryptocurrency does not entail lighting it on fire. Sending cryptocurrency to a digital wallet that can only receive it—not transmit it—is known as “burning” it.

To gain a better understanding of this, consider that you have a bank account that is solely intended to receive payments. It implies that any money deposited into such an account is irreversibly lost and that you are unable to retrieve funds from it.

When someone or a community declare they have chosen to burn a specific cryptocurrency or that they have burned their coin, this is what it entails. This action uses a burner address, also known as an eater address, from the wallet.

Protocols burn their currencies primarily to lower the total supply of the coin and, consequently, raise its value. Two main factors that affect the market are supply and demand. In the cryptocurrency ecosystem, lower coin supply typically translates into lower demand, which lowers the value of the corresponding coins.

A deflationary event that burns cryptocurrency causes a shortage of the coin, which raises its price and worth due to demand. This price increase is a result of time. Since most burns occur utilizing smart contracts, some experts have discovered a means to foresee when a burn will occur. Be ready for it.

There are numerous ways that coins can be burned. A smart contract used in most protocols controls the supply and demand of its currency.

The smart contract knows when to issue fresh coins for the market based on changes in demand and when to do the burn.

Since certain protocols are part of decentralized autonomous organizations, they do not make use of smart contracts.

Burning occurs in DAOs when the community decides it should. Every community member burns a portion of their coin at this stage.

The final approach is frequently undetectable and passive. For instance, each transaction on Ethereum consumes a tiny portion of Ether. Users have to be aware that this occurs over an extended period of time.

Why Do We Burn Crypto?

More projects are burning their money as decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols continue to gain traction. Here are several explanations for why coin burning makes sense as a community or protocol.

Project owners occasionally burn coins on their network to demonstrate their commitment to reducing the number of currencies in circulation in order to attract investments and funding.

This can be accomplished by the proprietors of a protocol or project by burning coins once or on specific occasions.

Some investors may feel more comfortable holding onto their investment for a long time if they perceive this as a means of assisting a coin’s value growth.

Coin Value

There are fewer coins available on the market when coins are burned. Because there are fewer coins on the market thanks to this mechanism, the coin’s value increases.

Based on the basic principles of economics, a commodity’s value and demand will rise in response to a drop in supply, provided that the commodity is still in demand.

Coin burning can occasionally be an attempt to control supply in a way that replicates the dynamics of Bitcoin’s supply and demand while making coins scarcer.

A Motivation for Miners

The Proof of Burn (PoB) mechanism may occasionally burn cryptocurrency coins on a regular basis to maintain equilibrium between new users and early investors who may have more coins.

Burned coins are used by the PoB consensus process to validate transactions, which promotes the production of new currencies.

This promotes equilibrium between new and returning users.

Protection Against Spam

In order for a Bitcoin transaction to be completed, you typically have to pay a transaction fee. In some cases, such as when creating smart contracts, this is referred to as a gas fee.

Miners typically request that users burn the gas fees they get in order to safeguard the system from spam and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assaults. This technique raises the coin’s value while assisting in preventing spam.

Mechanism of Consensus

Miners and users can agree to burn coins concurrently or on a recurring basis as a consensus mechanism for cryptocurrency burning. This burning is necessary because certain coins rely on proof-of-burning, or PoB, for transaction verification.

When a transaction is confirmed, miners that burn currencies during the transaction receive fresh coins as payment.

Maintaining Stablecoin Value

Stablecoins may occasionally have to burn some of their supply in order to maintain their link to a fiat currency (such as the dollar). This indicates that they part with some of their coin holdings in order to keep the stablecoin’s value stable.

The smart contract in charge of the stablecoin will either burn coins to raise the price while maintaining the same dollar worth, or it will produce new tokens to lower the price if demand for the stablecoin increases and the price rises above its value.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency Burning

The value of the coin can be raised or maintained, and the ecosystem surrounding it is strengthened, when cryptocurrency is burned. It is quite improbable that a user will create a burner wallet address to which they will never be able to retrieve their funds.

Although this technique may seem counterintuitive and nonsensical to some, the advantages typically surpass the drawbacks.

Preserving Coin Value for Speculators

Burning tokens is meant to keep prices stable and provide investors with more assurance. The price of a coin may increase if the demand for it remains constant but the total supply falls. For example, Bitcoin accomplishes this every four years by halving the amount of coins in circulation.

A halving event, according to experts, is a means of maintaining investor ties to the coin and boosting its value.

Boosting the Digital Economy

There is a robust community behind some of the most well-known currencies in the cryptocurrency market. Successful protocols typically have a large development team and a large investor base.

A global group of people can collaborate to guarantee the success of a protocol by using ideas like DAO. Coins can also be burned in the same way to achieve that. Burning cryptocurrency encourages people to contribute to or participate in the initiative.

Benefits of Crypto Burning

There’s a lot of reasons why cryptocurrency burning is bad. For example, there is a significant impact on the coin’s supply in the market. As such, before doing anything, you should understand what you are getting into. Users will frequently be able to view the burning frequency of protocols.

You should think about how and when coins will be burned before making a purchase. However, burning cryptocurrency has two major drawbacks: losing money and burning a large quantity of coins.

Coin Asset Loss

Think about all the variables influencing the coin’s price and the quantity you wish to burn before burning cryptocurrency. You must ascertain the cryptocurrency’s present and future values, and remember that burned money are irrevocably removed from your wallet.

If you burn a lot of money as a user, you can come to regret it later, especially if the token value rises.

How many coins were burned

A modest number of tokens burned might not have a big effect on the cost. For instance, burning a few thousand Shiba Inu (SHIB) coins won’t have a big impact on the total supply because there are presently 487 trillion SHIB coins in use.

Nevertheless, the community has burned more than 263 billion SHIB since October 2021—roughly 0.05% of the whole supply that is in circulation.

Is It Bad or Good to Burn Cryptocurrency?

In the real world, businesses occasionally repurchase stock from shareholders and investors. They take these actions to boost the value of their market share and expand the company’s customer base. Crypto burning operates in this way to increase value.

It may or may not have a negative impact on the cryptocurrency, depending on the investors and the sentimental value they have in it. It is imperative to take into account the possible consequences before to executing a deflationary event.

Although a lot of projects use crypto burning to entice people to purchase their coins, there are still dangers associated with this practice.

For a consumer, developer, or investor, determining the value of a cryptocurrency requires an understanding of demand. Although burning coins reduces their quantity, a coin’s price cannot rise unless enough people are interested in purchasing it.

You should have a specific objective in mind as a developer before putting your burning methods into practice. It is generally not a smart idea to add this feature to your protocol if you are unable to justify your decision to burn your coins.

An additional risk associated with cryptocurrency burning is a phenomenon referred to as rug pulls. A rug pull is the practice of project creators embezzling funds from consumers and investors. Users have lost money in some frauds when they invest in coins and then burn them.

There is no assurance that burning tokens will boost demand, even in situations when the developers have a sincere interest in the token. It’s also important to remember that coin-burning mechanisms can still be required for successful cryptocurrency initiatives.

This implies that token value growth is not always reliant on cryptocurrency burning.

A Few Illustrations of Crypto Burning


One of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges on the market is Binance. You may trade Bitcoin and Ethereum digitally and purchase, sell, and buy. It was launched by Changpeng Zhao in the year 2017.

It is well known for being multilingual and simple to use. In addition to trading, Binance also engages in staking and futures trading.

Users can use Binance Coin (BNB), the company’s cryptocurrency, to pay for services including website trading fees.

Initially, the platform calculated the quantity of coins to burn based on the trade volume on its website. Nevertheless, they now determine what to burn based on the quantity of blocks generated on their BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

Binance unveiled the BEP-95 in 2021. A fraction of the BNB minted from the BSC is removed using the coin-burning process known as BEP-95.

Once there are 100 million BNB in circulation, Binance plans to end its quarterly burn, but it will still pursue its BEP-95 strategy.

Shiba Inu:

A man by the name of Ryoshi established a cryptocurrency in 2020 called the Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB), which is named after the Shiba Inu dog breed. Due to its high price, the currency attracted a lot of attention in 2021 and was frequently compared to Dogecoin.

Like all other coins, Shiba Inu Coin was created with the intention of offering a decentralized, community-driven alternative to established financial systems. SHIB token is regularly burned to reduce supply.

Despite the robust community on SHIB, some users are still evaluating the advantages of burning SHIB coins.


The 2021 Ethereum EIP-1559 upgrade is a well-known instance of cryptocurrency burning. The Ethereum network now has new burning mechanics thanks to the update. On Ethereum, a burn address now receives an automated percentage of every gas fee.

The primary goal of the update was to improve the usability of Ethereum transactions.

The base fee is the bare minimum of gas needed to submit a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain under the new paradigm. Validators are encouraged to confirm transactions faster by the miner tip.

Once a transaction clears, the basic fee is removed from circulation forever. In addition, the only compensation given to miners is the miner’s tip.

By modifying the block size in accordance with transaction volume, EIP-1559 automatically modifies the basic fee. The goal of this approach was to circumvent Ethereum’s prior first-price auction paradigm, which consistently rewarded users who were prepared to pay hefty fees for transaction confirmation.

According to experts, the new model that EIP-1559 presented could have a big impact on the supply of ether in the future.

On Ethereum, ETH’s burn rate may surpass its daily issuance if network activity rises. As a result, ETH might become a deflationary asset in the future.

NFT burning

When we consider burning cryptocurrency, we often only consider burning coins. Nevertheless, burning non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is also an option. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, NFTs are distinct digital assets that cannot be duplicated or traded one-to-one.

Token burn or NFT burning mechanics have recently become popular in several NFT projects’ branding.

Burn.art is one instance of such a project. The project’s entry point into its marketplace is a cryptocurrency called ASH, which is created by burning NFTs.

The project, which was developed by well-known NFT artist Pak, enables users to burn their NFTs in return for ASH, potentially increasing the value of NFTs from the same collection that are still available and providing users with access to the platform.

A project that also makes use of the crypto burn mechanics is WAGDIE, which is a set of pixelated avatars. As a memorial to their endeavor, WAGDIE purchased a Mutant Ape NFT for thousands of dollars and burnt it.

This highlights the significance of ownership and individual control with relation to digital assets, even though it may appear to be an odd marketing strategy. One of the main reasons digital assets were created is the ability to use them whatever you please.

Users are happy to do that, even if it means giving them up in a way that makes sure they can never be seen again.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Lalit Mohan

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