Nokia’s Visionary Roadmap: Metaverse, Web3, and AI in Focus by 2030

  • In a strategic move, Nokia is setting its sights on the future with a comprehensive plan to meet the soaring network demands expected by 2030. 
  • The Technology Strategy 2030 report reveals Nokia’s commitment to invest in network infrastructure and services, gearing up for the rising trends in the metaverse, Web3, and artificial intelligence (AI).

As technological boundaries blur between the digital and physical realms, Nokia anticipates a substantial 22%–25% surge in network demand from 2022 to 2030. This upswing is attributed to the growing mainstream adoption of generative AI and virtual reality devices, as noted by Federico Guillén, President of Network Infrastructure at Nokia.

Strategic Investments for the Metaverse and Beyond

Nokia’s proactive approach involves heavy investments in its network equipment and services portfolio. With a keen eye on emerging ecosystems, Nokia is concentrating on the Internet of Value, decentralization, blockchain, and smart contracts.

The company is positioning itself to harness opportunities within the metaverse, focusing on human augmentation, spatial computing, and split processing. Nokia has established dedicated labs for metaverse research and conducted groundbreaking experiments, such as using a 5G-connected Microsoft HoloLens for remote aircraft maintenance assistance.

Navigating Future Connectivity and Digital Transformation

Nokia’s Technology Strategy 2030 centers on exploring key trends like AI, cloud computing, the metaverse, the Internet of Value, Industry 5.0, and API networks. The report foresees a metaverse-driven future by 2030, transforming supply chains, manufacturing, and real-time interactions across sectors.

Web3, a decentralized, user-centric Internet infrastructure, built on blockchain, is emerging. Nokia emphasizes cloud computing and advanced AI as foundational in organizational digital transformations. Multi-cloud architecture and AI-embedded devices are expected to gain momentum.

The strategic plan places strong emphasis on advanced, dynamic, and intelligent network infrastructure. Nokia envisions a digital twin system with diverse APIs, empowering enterprises with situational awareness and streamlined management. The goal is to create a unified network for all services, converging mobile and fixed broadband, IP routing, and optical networks.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology, Nokia aims to reshape communication and connectivity globally, positioning itself at the forefront of the digital transformation. Nokia’s Technology Strategy 2030 signifies a bold step toward embracing and leading the technological evolution that lies ahead.

Nokia’s Vision for 2030: Metaverse, Web3, and AI at the Forefront

Nokia is embarking on a visionary journey that stretches into the year 2030, foreseeing a surge in network demand fueled by the advancements in the metaverse, Web3, and artificial intelligence (AI). In its Technology Strategy 2030 report, the company outlines strategic plans to meet this escalating demand through substantial investments in network infrastructure and services.

Anticipating a robust 22%–25% rise in network demand from 2022 to 2030, Nokia attributes this surge to the mainstream adoption of generative AI and virtual reality devices. Federico Guillén, President of Network Infrastructure at Nokia, emphasizes the need to cater to this growing demand through investments in network equipment and services.

Nokia aims to position itself as a key player in emerging ecosystems, with a focus on the Internet of Value, decentralization, blockchain, and smart contracts. The company is gearing up to capitalize on opportunities in the metaverse, particularly in human augmentation, spatial computing, and split processing.

Already taking strides toward its strategic objectives, Nokia has established dedicated labs for studying the metaverse and its underlying technologies. Practical experiments, including initiatives to enhance aircraft maintenance through augmented reality, showcase Nokia’s commitment to exploring the full potential of these transformative technologies.

The initial approach at Nokia involves delving into key emerging trends such as AI, cloud computing, the metaverse, the Internet of Value, Industry 5.0, and API networks. By 2030, Nokia envisions a world where the mass adoption of the metaverse transforms various sectors, from consumer to enterprise and industrial.

The transformative impact is expected to extend to supply chains and manufacturing facilities, revolutionizing operations from design to testing, real-time monitoring, and remote maintenance. Additionally, the emergence of Web3, a decentralized, user-centric Internet infrastructure built on blockchain technology, is reshaping digital landscapes.

Nokia’s Technology Strategy 2030 places a strong emphasis on advanced, dynamic, and intelligent network infrastructure. The goal is to create a single network for all services, converging mobile and fixed broadband, IP routing, and optical networks. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Nokia aims to transform global enterprises into smart virtual networks, positioning itself as a leader in the digital transformation journey.

In essence, Nokia’s vision for 2030 revolves around pioneering advancements that will redefine the way people and things communicate and connect, establishing the company at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Mehar Nayar

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