Multi-chain naming protocol called Clusters launched by LayerZero and Delegate

  • Three days ago, LayerZero announced the release of LayerZero V2, which offers improved cross-chain compatibility with modular security and universal messaging.
  • A multichain naming system is introduced by Clusters to enable smooth blockchain address management.

Clusters is a novel multichain naming protocol that LayerZero Labs and Delegate have proposed. Its goal is to simplify user interaction between different blockchain networks.

This creative method allows users to transcend the constraints of individual chains, like Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and Solana among other EVM chains, and maintain a consistent identity while managing their blockchain addresses with ease.

Clusters solves important concerns like address fragmentation, wallet management complexity, and domain squatting by offering a universal name protocol that spans numerous chains, including Ethereum, Avalanche, Plygon, Solana, and other EVM-based networks. With the help of this creative solution, users can engage with decentralised apps and protocols across a variety of blockchain ecosystems while maintaining a consistent identity.

Here’s how Clusters Protocol is going to completely change how blockchain naming systems operate

To meet the needs of multichain aficionados, Clusters provides a cross-chain, multi-wallet naming system, in contrast to conventional solutions like the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

The foundation of Clusters is LayerZero’s technology, which enables smooth message transfer between various blockchains. The recent LayerZero V2 upgrade, which adds improvements to cross-chain interoperability and application development, is noteworthy because it will help Cluster. The main feature is Universal Messaging, which makes it possible to send a variety of message types across more than 20 blockchain networks with ease.

By integrating with LayerZero, Clusters is able to retain correctness over billions of wallet addresses and millions of names, guaranteeing a dependable and seamless user experience. Additionally, LayerZero’s Permissionless Execution feature encourages decentralisation and community involvement by enabling anyone to take part in the protocol’s functioning.

On the other side, Delegate contributes a wealth of knowledge to the creation of Clusters thanks to its experience managing blockchain addresses through Delegate Cash. With hundreds of wallets holding assets valued at close to $1 billion already secured by Delegate’s technology, customers may feel secure and dependable within the Clusters ecosystem. Delegate’s technology has already been integrated into significant NFT projects including Yuga Labs and Azuki, demonstrating the platform’s acceptance and importance in the blockchain ecosystem.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

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