Indian Crypto Exchange CoinDCX denies issues with its app, blames fraud sites and apps

  • Leading Indian cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX is currently mired in controversy over claims of bank fraud and irrational financial demands made on its users. CoinDCX has denied these accusations and blamed fraudulent apps instead. 
  • An engineer and a businessman who withdrew money from CoinDCX and received unexpected tax charges are among the complaints made public by local media.
  • Incident highlights the importance of remaining vigilant in the market against fraud and bogus websites.

A story by local media reported several accusations against CoinDCX sparked the start of the debate. Two complainants, a 24-year-old engineer, and a 36-year-old businessman, described their upsetting interactions with the platform. The businessman claimed that after attempting to withdraw Rs 1.40 lakh, he was asked for an extra Rs 40,000 under the pretence of filing taxes. The engineer was asked to pay an alleged Rs 4.65 lakh tax on his Rs 14 lakh investment.

These occurrences have sparked worries about possible fraudulent activity because the requests seem to have surpassed the government-mandated 20–30% capital gains tax on crypto withdrawals. The Delhi Police filed a complaint under charges of cheating due to the magnitude of these allegations, indicating a thorough investigation into the allegations. 

Coin DCX Issues Detailed Clarification

CoinDCX has strongly refuted any fraudulent activity on its official platform in a statement in response to these accusations. The exchange made it clear that the occurrences that were reported had nothing to do with their genuine platform and had everything to do with a fake software that was posing as CoinDCX. The exchange claimed that fake software apps and sites deceived customers by taking advantage of the brand’s reputation.

CoinDCX emphasised that its real platform is still safe, giving customers peace of mind about the security of their money and transaction.

Crypto traders must remain watchful in the market against such bogus websites.

This event highlights the wider issues of platform security and authenticity that exist in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Users are seriously threatened by the proliferation of fake websites and apps, which can result in financial losses and erode confidence in the cryptocurrency community.

The CoinDCX case emphasises the necessity for cryptocurrency users to exercise greater caution and understanding. It also emphasises how crucial it is to confirm the legitimacy of platforms before completing any transactions.

Cryptocurrency users must follow these steps to ensure safe browsing and full-proof security

  • Verify the website: Make sure the website’s domain (such,.org, is spelt correctly. Watch out for typos or extra characters in the domain name.
  • Check for HTTPS: Verify whether HTTPS (secure communication) is used by the website instead of merely HTTP. Check the address bar for the padlock icon.
  • Check Contact Details: Reputable websites usually have easy-to-find contact details, such as a physical location, phone number, and email address. Look over the website for this information.
  • Verify if the website has a privacy policy: Reputable websites typically do. Examine it to learn how your information will be managed.
  • Deals That Look Too Good to Be True: Deals that look too good to be true usually are. Offers with steep discounts or those that don’t seem feasible should be avoided.
  • Check for Presence on Social Media: Verify whether any social media accounts on the website are operational. Reputable companies are frequently active on social media.

Disclaimer: This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

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