How to Mine Monero in 2024

Due to their decentralized structure, blockchain networks like Monero don’t depend on institutions like banks to carry out transactions on behalf of users. Monero miners are responsible for verifying transactions. 

Through the use of computers and sophisticated mathematical puzzles, miners can confirm transactions and add additional XMR currency to the network through the Proof of Work (PoW) technique employed by Monero. Since Monero is meant to be resistant to ASICs, unlike other cryptocurrencies, it doesn’t require any specialized hardware.

Mining with Monero

Monero needs cryptocurrency mining activities to keep the network safe and operational, much like any other coin that relies on Proof of Work (PoW) consensus. 

In contrast to traditional money, cryptocurrency does not require banks or other institutions to maintain records of value transfers, nor do they have an issuing authority.

Rather, miners accomplish this. These individuals are the Monero network’s defenders and maintainers; they verify each transaction that takes place on the network. 

Transactions that have been verified are recorded in digital files known as blocks. The Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism creates the blocks, and to find the answers, miners must solve challenging problems.

The right to attach the block to the network and block rewards in the form of freshly produced XMR tokens are awarded to miners who successfully solve the puzzle.

What Makes Monero Miners Crucial?

As guardians of your wealth, banks control fiat, or traditional forms of money, and you have no control over what they do with it. Your money’s buying power decreases as a result of the central banks’ ability to print an unlimited quantity of new notes.

You open bank accounts and give them your money, which they then invest in various profitable ventures without asking permission. They might put you at their mercy by restricting the amount of money you can withdraw or even suspending your account.

These authorities and institutions are replaced by miners. Miners are the core of Monero, to put it simply. They approve transactions, allowing value to be exchanged on the blockchain. 

By solving the equations governing the formation of new blocks and network propagation, miners contribute to the vital supply of new coins through the block rewards they get.

The issue of double-spending is another that miners solve. Digital currency versions past had problems with duplication. Because the coins are digital, they could be easily duplicated like files on a computer, which would bring down the entire financial system.

Every transaction on the blockchain is timestamped, and before being shared with other miners, a group of these transactions are gathered into a single block. 

By using cryptography, every newly formed block is connected to every previously made one. By recording the debit and credit in the sender’s and recipient’s cryptocurrency wallets, respectively, this makes an unchangeable chain of blocks (hence the name blockchain) and enables miners to identify which transaction is valid. This prevents the sender from ever spending the coins again.

Limitations of Monero Mining

Launched in 2014, Monero is a privacy-focused coin with a maximum supply of 18.4 million, of which almost all have already been mined. Tail curve emissions have kicked in which reward miners with 0.6XMR per two minute block. 

Monero follows the deflationary path by limiting the amount in circulation, whereas fiat money has no restrictions on the number of units that can be created, leading to inflation.

When a miner finds a block, new XMR coins are created and awarded to the victorious miner. This indicates that there is a consistent supply of new currency because a block is mined every two minutes.

However, the supply does fluctuate. Approximately every four years, the block reward is reduced by 50% through a procedure known as “halving.” Pressure from this causes the market to tighten and demand to rise, which raises the price of Monero.

You can understand how appealing this could be to miners, since many have joined the Monero network in the hopes of making money as miners. The mining difficulty adjustment comes first. 

Blocks will be mined more quickly thanks to miners’ powerful computers, but the Monero code modifies the mining difficulty to maintain block production time at a steady 2-minute interval. Second, in order to maximize network decentralization, Monero developers have been continuously modifying the code to make it resistant to ASICs.

The Technicals of Mining Monero Described

There are a few things you should know before deciding to start mining your own XMR coins and obtaining the necessary hardware or mining service. To locate the correct hardware for you, you need to understand a few technicalities because your machine will be solving mathematical problems in order to obtain a block reward.

What Is Meant by Hashrate?

All a computer can do in a given amount of time is calculate its hashrate. You can assess your chances of being the first to solve the equation and collect rewards by using the hashrate to calculate the total processing power committed to the Monero network and the percentage of your contribution.

What Makes a Higher Hashrate Crucial?

A higher hashrate increases your chances of mining a block successfully since it dictates how many calculations your device can complete.

The XMR network’s health is also ascertained using the hashrate. A miner would need to have a hashrate that puts him in the majority in order to take over a blockchain system (this is known as a 51% attack). 

An adversary would be less likely to be able to carry out such an action on a network with a greater hashrate. Even if it is possible, the cost of electricity and hardware will prevent a high hashrate network from being practical.

How Is the Hashrate Calculated?

The unit of measurement for hashrate is multiples of thousands of hashes, or the binary number 1024. The most often used units are kilohashes, megahashes, gigahashes, terahashes, and petahashes. Monero’s hashrate has seen several surges throughout time, despite having spent the first four years of its existence in the Mh/s region.

More miners joined the network throughout time and experimented with the Gh/s range before rapidly retreating. Due to the fact that high-power ASIC participation is prohibited, the network currently has a throughput of only 2.3 Gh/s, much lower than other cryptocurrencies of similar size.

CPU and GPU processing power

A computer’s or other device’s processing power is what allows it to do valuable tasks. A computer with more computing power has a higher hashrate.

Monero programs are continuously modified by an active developer community to make it more difficult for ASICs and FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, which are effectively less complex ASICs) to mine the XMR coin. 

The community is constantly forking the network to switch to techniques that are not profitable for ASICs, while miners are always coming up with new ways to get over the constraints of the developers.

This was first accomplished using the CryptoNight PoW hashing method, which was heavily reliant on RAM delay. ASICs are very sluggish because they have no RAM at all, while GPUs, which have more RAM, are much more disadvantageous. The most recent technique, RandomX, isolates the more powerful computers from the network permanently by creating a virtual machine that only uses RAM and CPU.

However, this hasn’t stopped miners from pooling their computational resources. Mining pools have expanded and, even with CPU usage alone, have attained high hashrates.

Hashrate Required for Effective Monero Mining

The XMR hashrate has never increased significantly since Monero is resistant to ASICs. However, because there are a lot more miners overall, network security is still robust. The hashrate of Monero is approximately 2.3 Gh/s.

Few dozen Kh/s is about as fast as even the most powerful CPUs available today can process. While it is possible to mine alone, the odds of mining enough successful blocks to cover the cost of keeping these computers operating around-the-clock are extremely slim.

It would be significantly more beneficial for you to join a mining pool, where you may share the pool’s benefits and contribute your hashpower to a shared mining operation to earn block rewards.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Monero Mining


  • Receive XMR coins as block incentives.
  • The transaction cost is an extra perk.
  • With XMR’s built-in anonymity, you can keep your riches hidden from inquisitive eyes.
  • You are still eligible to receive the transaction fee even if all coins are mined.
  • It is thought that XMR is a wise investment.
  • Pool mining generates a more consistent flow of revenue.


  • Price volatility may result in losses for you.
  • Pool mining might drastically lower your income.
  • Constantly using computers can be costly and energy-intensive.

How to Begin Your Own Monero Mining

Starting your own XMR mining makes sense now that you understand the fundamentals of Monero mining. 

Hardware for Mining Monero at its Best

You shouldn’t need to spend a fortune running your own XMR mining company because Monero mining is designed to be challenging for ASICs and inefficient for GPUs. 

To make money, you’ll still need to invest in a powerful computer with a sufficient CPU and enough RAM—typically 2 GB reserved for mining. These are a few of the top CPUs that you should consider.

The best processor for XMR mining right now is probably the AMD EPYC 7502P 32-Core 2.5 GHz processor. With 32 cores, the powerful CPU can run the RandomX Monero algorithm on Linux OS at up to 23.9 Kh/s. The fast speed has a price tag to match; it costs about $2,600 on Amazon.

If Linux isn’t your favorite operating system, you may always go with AMD’s Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core Processor, which can mine XMR using Windows at 19.9 Kh/s. This CPU is available for $2,000, which is $600 less expensive than the EPYC.

The Intel Xeon E5-2670 v3 may be a better choice if money is tight. Although the processor’s output is much lower than that of the EPYC—11.4 Kh/s—you can still find a cheap used one for as little as $133 because it is a discontinued product.

Other Expenses to Think About

You also need to account for a number of other expenses in addition to the processing prices, which do have an impact on your finances. In addition to the CPU, you will need to choose a suitable motherboard, enough RAM, a power supply, a hard drive, and additional components like keyboards and monitors to assemble the entire system.

Next are the electricity costs. Of course, the cooling systems of the equipment require power. You need to take the local electricity rates into account. If you reside in a warmer climate, you might also need more cooling.

To effectively mine XMR, you will almost certainly need to sign up for a mining pool. If so, you’ll also need to account for membership fees.

Mining Services and Solutions

Another way for people to earn XMR without investing in mining equipment is to use cloud mining services, which allow users to purchase processing power from mining pools for a predetermined period of time. 

This spares you from the substantial upfront costs associated with purchasing, installing, and configuring the various parts of your mining equipment. Additionally, renting a model spares you from having to pay exorbitant electricity expenses.

Among the most well-liked cloud mining contract suppliers is CCG. It has the maximum hashrate and gives a selection of contracts to accommodate various goals and price ranges.

Through mining pools, users can pool their computing resources to function as a single, distributed computer from anywhere in the globe. As a result, members have a far higher probability of finishing the Monero puzzles and earning block rewards. Miners split the block rewards based on their percentage of the pool’s hashpower.

Since solo mining would seldom result in a block reward, this can be quite effective. There are drawbacks to these services as well, like lower mining earnings (since participants receive XMR based on the proportion of their hash contributions). Additionally, different pools use a variety of payout structures, which might reduce your winnings or raise your risks:

Pay Per Share (PPS): Regardless of whether any blocks are successfully mined or not, pools pay you a fixed profit based on your pool share. You forfeit your rights to transaction fees and individual block rewards even if this gives assured compensation.

Full Pay Per Share (FPPS) offers participants the added benefit of receiving transaction fees, making it almost identical to PPS. You should be aware that the payments are not as high as PPS before participating in a pool.

Pay Per Last N Share (PPLNS): By transferring almost all of the risk to the participants, the pools merely split the actual block profits. Although the profits are also bigger, the risks are.

One of the biggest sites for mining Monero pools is MineXMR. Its total hashrate of 730 Mh/s is around one-third of the current network’s power. It currently has over 12,000 members and has mined 24,600 blocks. To connect your CPU to the network, just register and follow the instructions.

MineXMR only pays out a portion of successfully mined blocks because it employs the PPLNS mechanism. Be aware that there is a 1% pool fee levied by MineXMR, which could significantly reduce your rewards.

Get Monero Mining Started

Now that the machine is configured and ready, all you have to do is install mining software and establish a pool connection. Installing mining software is required in order to sync your processor with the algorithm. Both Windows and Linux computers can be used to mine using XMR-Stak.

One of the most frequently updated Monero kits, the software supports a broad range of processors. Since XMR-Stak can also run GPUs, you can download it and begin mining right now if you believe you can mine successfully with your GPU. Other well-liked options are Monero Spelunker, MinerGate, and XMRig.

Additionally, you may view the various mining pools configured for XMR. XMR Nanopool, SupportXMR, and MinerXR are just a few of the possibilities available to you. To join their pools, you must register on their websites and follow the guidelines. Usually, to do this, you use the network’s IP address to connect to it, but many pools offer tiny software kits that handle all of the connections for you.

After mining, where should I store my coins?

Token holders of cryptocurrencies like Monero are the primary means of exchange for their currency, bypassing middlemen such as banks. You will need a “wallet” in order to mine tokens, as they are kept there. 

Your selected Monero wallet is crucial since payouts and awards will be distributed to the wallets you have connected. Your coins’ security could be compromised via an insecure wallet, which would negate all of your hard work and financial investment in mining.

Options Besides Mining Monero

Not everyone is cut out for mining because it takes a lot of work and money to power the equipment and acquire the proper hardware. Additionally, you can come up against large-scale mining companies like Riot Blockchain, Marathon Digital Holdings, and Argo Blockchain. But a miner can always join a mining pool and earn a passive income. 

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

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