Ethereum’s Upcoming Duncan Upgrade Set to Revolutionize zkSync with Lower Fees and Enhanced Performance

  • The article underscores the importance of Ethereum’s upcoming Duncan upgrade, particularly the introduction of proto-danksharding (EIP-4844), in enhancing Layer 2 solutions such as zkSync. 
  • This upgrade, set to roll out in mid-March, aims to incorporate off-chain data blobs, significantly increasing the data capacity for Ethereum transactions without affecting block processing times. 

The imminent Duncan upgrade on the Ethereum network, scheduled for mid-March, is poised to introduce significant advancements, notably the proto-danksharding feature (EIP-4844). This upgrade is generating anticipation within the Ethereum community as it promises to enhance the scalability of Layer 2 solutions, with zkSync, a Layer 2 network, standing out as a key beneficiary.

Proto-Danksharding’s Impact on zkSync:

  • Ethereum’s proto-danksharding, encapsulated in the EIP-4844 proposal, is a groundbreaking development set to revolutionize Layer 2 solutions such as zkSync. By incorporating off-chain ‘data blobs,’ this upgrade allows for increased data capacity within Ethereum transactions without affecting block processing times. For zkSync, which aggregates transactions into batches on the Ethereum mainnet, this means a substantial reduction in transaction costs.

Anticipated Reduction in Transaction Fees:

  • Anthony Rose, the head of engineering at Matter Labs, the core contributor to zkSync, highlights the game-changing impact of EIP-4844 on transaction fees. The data-related component, currently contributing $0.08–$0.10 per transaction on zkSync, is expected to reduce nearly ten-fold after the Duncan upgrade. Users could witness a significant drop in average fees per transaction, potentially falling below $0.10.

zkSync’s Batch Optimization with Boojum:

  • Matter Labs has been proactive in preparing zkSync for the upcoming Duncan upgrade. Code enhancements aligned with EIP-4844 have been implemented in the past year, focusing on performance improvements and the ability to efficiently batch transactions. Notably, the introduction of Boojum, a STARK-based proof system, plays a pivotal role. Boojum enables zkSync to compress and publish a more substantial amount of data to the Ethereum mainnet within its batches, ultimately contributing to cost efficiency.

Performance Boost and Cost Efficiency:

  • Rose emphasizes that the combination of improvements specific to EIP-4844 and the introduction of Boojum will significantly enhance zkSync’s performance. Larger batch sizes, made possible by the Boojum upgrade, are expected to translate into more cost-efficient transactions. The implementation of better data compression and increased Layer 2 batch sizes will collectively contribute to making transactions on zkSync both faster and more economical.

Revolutionizing zkSync: Ethereum’s Duncan Upgrade to Bring Lower Fees and Enhanced Performance

As Ethereum gears up for the Duncan upgrade, zkSync emerges as a frontrunner in the race for improved scalability and reduced transaction costs. The integration of proto-danksharding through EIP-4844 is a watershed moment for Layer 2 solutions, promising a substantial decrease in zkSync’s transaction fees. With the strategic implementation of Boojum, zkSync is not merely adapting to the upgrade but capitalizing on it, ensuring larger batch sizes and more cost-efficient transactions. As the crypto community eagerly anticipates the mid-March upgrade, zkSync stands poised to deliver a faster, more economical, and user-friendly experience, reinforcing its significance in Ethereum’s evolving landscape.

 Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Mehar Nayar

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