Robert Kennedy Jr. said that he was going to place the whole US budget on blockchain

  • If elected president, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lays out how he plans to integrate blockchain technology into American politics.
  • The proposal put out by RFK Jr. may increase the openness of US government spending.

Despite his pro-crypto rhetoric, the presidential contender is still considered a marginal figure.

The U.S. presidential race has seen a rise in interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology over the past year, partly because to the outspoken endorsement of notable figures such as Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, and Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr.

Despite the withdrawal of DeSantis and Ramaswamy from the contest, RFK Jr. has persisted in advocating for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. In the most recent instance, the presidential candidate boldly pledged to use blockchain technology to increase government expenditure transparency.

At a rally in Michigan on April 21, RFK Jr. unveiled a daring proposal to place the US budget on a blockchain.

The remarks made by RFK Jr. coincide with a rise in concerns over US government spending in the last year, with Senate disputes on the subject nearly resulting in a government shutdown in March 2024.

Some in the cryptocurrency sector have praised the presidential candidate’s latest statement as “forward-thinking,” while others have questioned its viability. It’s still unclear whether RFK Jr. is a viable candidate in the campaign despite these opinions.

Recent surveys indicate that President Joe Biden and Donald Trump continue to lead the independent candidate who gave up on winning the Democratic ticket. The way the mainstream media portrays RFK Jr. significantly complicates his chances.

RFK Jr. is mostly seen as the dark horse in the presidential contest. Although earlier conjecture indicated that Biden would lose votes as a result of RFK Jr.’s candidacy, a subsequent NBC News poll revealed otherwise. According to the poll, 15% of respondents supported Trump, while 7% supported Biden, the independent candidate.

The American presidency is commonly regarded as the most significant political position globally. A pro-crypto president such as RFK Jr. might be beneficial to the crypto business.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Lalit Mohan

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