Leader of Argentina Javier Milei supports Bitcoin as part of a plan to overhaul currency

  • Argentina is one of the top 15 cryptocurrency markets in the world.

Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, has reiterated his support for Bitcoin as a way to strengthen the national economy.

On June 19, Milei said on X that Argentina would allow many currencies, including virtual currencies like Bitcoin, to compete.

Milei’s position, meanwhile, is consistent with his past support of the cryptocurrency sector. He called central banks a hoax throughout his campaign and advocated for the use of cryptocurrencies to give the private sector back control over the financial system.

However, Milei hasn’t implemented any formal Bitcoin regulations since gaining office. Rather, his administration has prioritized addressing Argentina’s dire financial crisis, stressing the need for quick action, and getting the country ready for big austerity measures.

The country’s monthly inflation rate dropped for a fifth consecutive month in May to less than 5%, from a peak of almost 25% in December when Milei assumed office, suggesting that these actions are having an effect. With an annual inflation rate of around 300 percent, it is still the highest in the world.

Because of this, people in the cryptocurrency industry think that Milei may adopt Bitcoin in a manner similar to El Salvador’s. According to reports, Argentinean organizations are working with their El Salvadorian counterparts to create a plan for the adoption of Bitcoin. Milei has also participated in a number of cryptocurrency projects, such as Worldcoin.

Nevertheless, a Chainalysis 2023 assessment places Argentina among the top 15 cryptocurrency markets globally. According to the report, Argentines are using Bitcoin and other digital assets as a hedge against the nation’s ongoing economic problems.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Puskar Pande

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