Keyless wallets with ZK-proofs for identity verification are introduced by Aptos

  • With Aptos Connect, users may sign in using their Google ID without requiring a Windows passkey, MPC Network, or Magic Links.

The Aptos blockchain reportedly unveiled a web-hosted keyless wallet application on July 3 that use ZK-proofs for user verification. The new wallet, called Aptos Connect, eliminates the need for hardware security modules, passkeys, and multiparty computation networks by enabling users to connect to decentralized services using a Google login.

According to the announcement, Aptos Connect simplifies Web3 onboarding by eliminating the need for private keys and letting users create and maintain Aptos blockchain accounts with just a single click by logging in with Google. This enables a smooth user experience in [the developer’s] application. It does this by using zero-knowledge proofs and the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard to link social logins to blockchain accounts.

Using an Apple ID or Google ID to log in is not a novel concept in the cryptocurrency space. This is already possible with a number of wallet protocols, such as Coinbase’s Smart Wallet, Web3 Auth, and Magic Links from Magic Labs. But Aptos Connect says it can offer the same ease of use without requiring consumers to rely on a multi-party computation network, open an email link, or enter a passkey.

Rather, to access their wallet, customers only need to click the “Continue with Google” button and choose a Google Account. According to Aptos, Apple ID integration will soon be available, giving those who prefer not to utilize Google a choice.

Developer materials state that Aptos Improvement Protocol 61 (AIP-61), which enables transactions to be approved through the JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) used by Google, Facebook, Apple, and other login providers, is what enabled the new app. 

ZK-proofs are used to mask the user’s and login provider’s identities. This stops blockchain information from identifying the Google ID linked to a specific Aptos account.

To secure money, Aptos Connect completely depends on the security of the user’s Google account. Because of this, the docs caution users that they could lose their cryptocurrency if their Google account is hacked: All keyless accounts connected to that user’s OIDC account will be at risk if the OIDC account (such as Google) is compromised.

Nevertheless, the docs state that since all Internet applications presently uses Web2 login providers, some users could feel comfortable taking this risk.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Puskar Pande

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