In addition to operating nodes, T-Mobile owner Deutsche Telekom plans to start mining Bitcoin soon

  • At the BTC Prague conference, the head of Web3 infrastructure at T-Systems MMS, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, declared live that the firm, which now runs nodes for multiple networks, including Ethereum, Bitcoin Lightning, and more, will soon start mining Bitcoin.

According to a remark made on Friday at the BTC Prague conference by the head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at T-Systems MMS, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, the largest telecom company in Europe will soon mine Bitcoin.

Wearing a pink Bitcoin t-shirt featuring the Deutsche Telekom logo, Dirk Röder announced, “We are running Bitcoin Lightning nodes in addition to running a Bitcoin node since 2023.” We are going to begin digital monetary photosynthesis, which is a small secret that makes me extremely proud.

In response to a query from prominent Bitcoin user Joe Nakamoto, does T-Mobile mine Bitcoin? In response to Röder’s request for clarity, Röder was clear: We will. 

The cryptocurrency initiatives of Deutsche Telekom extend beyond Bitcoin. In 2022, the corporation declared its support for Ethereum by operating validator nodes and collaborating with StakeWise, a liquid staking protocol, and joining its governance DAO. 

This was consistent with node operations and investment partnerships with Polkadot, Flow, and Celo blockchains. The business not only runs nodes on Polkadot and Celo networks, but it has also made direct investments in their tokens.

Additionally, Deutsche Telekom and blockchain companies have joined together to support the Q and Chainlink blockchain networks and run a Polygon validation node.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Puskar Pande

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