How to Mine Bitcoin SV in 2024

Miners are the people who keep a blockchain network like Bitcoin SV (BSV) safe. They keep the network running by adding new coins that are created as rewards for mining, in addition to safeguarding the decentralized ledger. This promotes the robust operation of the BSV economy.

Because Bitcoin SV employs SHA-256 data encryption, miners must use their available processing power to solve challenging mathematical riddles. Miners can obtain these by participating in pools or mining alone. This course is the ideal manual for anyone who wants to mine Bitcoin SV on their own.

What is SV Mining for Bitcoin?

A digital currency known as Bitcoin SV can be used as a replacement to fiat, or traditional money. BSV essentially gives its users total control over their finances by making a few tweaks to the way money is handled.

In conventional monetary systems, central banks—such as the Federal Reserve, which prints US dollars—are government-run institutions that create and distribute money. Banks manage your income and expenses, keeping track of every account using ledgers. These institutions control your financial life because they are the ones managing the funds.

The value of the money in circulation can be significantly reduced by central banks creating new money, which would reduce your wealth. In addition, the bank that you have an account with is also in charge of your inflated money. 

They have the authority to control how and when you may use it, as well as whether you can use it at all. They may even freeze your account or restrict the amount you can withdraw or deny services to specific merchants. Furthermore, you are charged for their fictitious protection of your funds!

Since Bitcoin SV is a cryptocurrency, it has no issuing authority or banks. Miners record the transactions on a single ledger, keeping a copy of every transaction. The miners compete by utilizing their processing capacity to solve mathematical problems in a technique known as Proof of Work (PoW), which requires the miners to validate transactions.

After a mining operation is successful, a block with a verified set of transactions is created, which other miners subsequently copy. A block reward is generated by the labors of miners; the miner who solves the equations first gets to keep the newly created BSV tokens.

Why Do Bitcoin SV Miners Matter?

It is necessary to validate every Bitcoin SV transaction before it is recorded on the blockchain. This is to prevent users from ever using their money more than once. If this isn’t done, a user might spend the already-spent coins again by conducting a transaction that isn’t recorded in the system.

The “double-spend” problem is one that miners are essential to solving. The ledger where every transaction is recorded is confirmed and subsequently shared by all miners, making fraudulent conduct very impossible.

Blocks, or groups of related transactions, are created and recorded on the ledger using a process known as “hashing,” in which data is cryptographically encoded into “hashes.” The term “hash power” describes a computer’s ability to decipher these hashes and then verify a block. The term “hash rate” can be used to indicate the total processing power of all the machines on a network, as well as the number of hashing calculations that a computer can perform in a given amount of time.

The number of calculations that miners are performing is shown by the hash rate, which also reveals the network’s security. Similar to its parent network, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV produces blocks on average in ten minutes. BSV’s programming modifies the puzzle difficulty to sustain this period, making it harder when more processing power is committed to the network and easier when miners stop participating.

Because block rewards form the foundation of the Bitcoin SV network, miners are rewarded for their labor. Without block rewards, there would be no incentive for them to protect the chain because proof-of-work (PoW) requires expensive electricity. At the moment, 6.25 BSV is awarded for each block.

Limitations on Bitcoin SV Mining

With a maximum coin supply of 21 million, BSV is a deflationary model fork of Bitcoin Cash, which was a fork of the original Bitcoin chain. A split known as a fork occurred in late 2018 in Bitcoin Cash due to disagreements among miners on system scalability. 

A faction within the Bitcoin Cash community wished to raise the block size even more to 128 MB. Bitcoin Cash had already increased the block size from 1 MB to 32 MB. Due to the ensuing infighting, BCH forked once more. 

The bigger group of proponents of block size dubbed their version Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision, indicating that they intended to adhere to the ideas of the mysterious original Bitcoin developer, Satoshi Nakamoto.

The primary features, which are the 10-minute block size, SHA-256 hashing method, halving schedule, and customizable difficulty, are all identical save for the block size. Together, these result in restrictions on the BSV network. To keep the block time consistent, the mining difficulty rises and falls in reaction to new miners joining or departing the network.

Simplifying Hashrate for Bitcoin SV

The quantity of calculations that miners can complete in a second is known as their hash rate. A miner can attempt more calculations the higher their hash rate. The total hash rate of the network is equal to the sum of the miners’ hash rates.

You will be able to solve the puzzles more quickly if your mining has a higher hash rate, which increases the likelihood that you will validate a new block before anybody else. 

The aggregate hash rate of the Bitcoin SV network increases as more and more powerful computer miners join the network. The problem becomes more difficult to make sure that blocks are not mined more quickly than intended.

The hash rate concurrently demonstrates the level of security of the BSV network. An attacker would require a minimum of 51% of the total mining power on the decentralized network to take control of the blockchain. The difficulty of taking over the network increases with the hash rate since obtaining such a high hash rate becomes prohibitive from a logistical standpoint.

How Is the Hashrate Calculated?

The number of hashes performed in a second is used to measure hash rates. Typically, kilohashes/s, megahashes/s, terahashes/s, and so on are the units employed. At the moment, Bitcoin SV runs at about 580 petahashes/s.

Power Processing: CPU and GPU

Computers do the number-crunching necessary to identify the blocks, and the processor, or CPU, is at the heart of these devices. There were few miners in the early days of Bitcoin, thus regular laptops and PCs could be used to find blocks. People soon switched over after learning that their GPUs were far more powerful.

Later, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) were used; their components were optimized for mining, producing significantly greater hash rates. The newest devices are made specifically for mining and are referred to as ASICs, or Application-Specific Integrated Circuits.

Because ASIC usage was widespread in November 2018, the BSV network split, and as a result, the hash rate has never fallen below the peta hash range. As a result, ASICs are the only practical hardware option for mining.

Hashrate Required for Profitable Bitcoin SV Mining

Currently, the overall power of the Bitcoin SV network is a little less than 580 PH/S. Given that FPGAs clock in at only a few GH/S and that typical CPUs and GPUs can never reach several hundred MH/S, the only practical choice is an ASIC that can function in the tera hash region.

Even in that scenario, using a single ASIC or even several combined won’t give you a strong enough probability of discovering a block first. You must either rent out a machine via cloud mining or join a mining pool for it to be profitable. 

This does not exclude machines with lower power levels from participating. You have no chance of winning the block prizes because the chances of you solving the computations before your more powerful opponents are simply too great.

Technical Understanding Necessary for Bitcoin SV Mining

If you have the necessary tools and are looking to make money, mining may be a fun endeavor. This is a glossary of common technical jargon to help you understand what cryptocurrency mining is and how it operates.

Consensus algorithm: A blockchain platform protocol that enables users to agree on the veracity of transactions. Proof-of-work consensus algorithm that allows for mining as a means of establishing network consensus is Bitcoin SV’s SHA-256.

Block: This is a group of transactions that, after verified, are posted to the blockchain’s public ledger.

The size of the transaction data collected into a block is known as the block size. The block size limitations of different cryptocurrencies vary. 

With the removal of this feature at its Genesis upgrade in February 2020, Bitcoin SV (BSV), whose SV stands for “Satoshi Vision” and aspires to reflect the original whitepaper as outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto, has no limit on block size. In contrast, the block sizes for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are limited to 1MB and 32MB, respectively.

Block rewards: After a block is solved and added to the blockchain, a miner or pool of miners will receive new coins. Every four years, the block reward is halved; the most recent one took place in 2020, reducing mining rewards from 12.5 BSV to 6.25 BSV. It will keep going down until all 21 million coins have been produced.

Mining difficulty: An indicator of the degree of difficulty in figuring out the mathematical challenge and obtaining a new block. The ease or complexity of minting new currencies determines how tough mining is. As of 23 February 2021, BSV has a mining difficulty of 69,074M.

Transaction fees: The cost that BSV customers must pay for miners to perform their transactions. This is an additional incentive to the 6.25 BSV block subsidy. Transaction fees for Bitcoin SV are a small percentage of the total transaction value.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Bitcoin SV Mining


  • With BSVs at about $225, you can earn a respectable sum in block rewards.
  • Additionally, you can profit from the transaction fee linked to the blocks.
  • To increase your chances of winning, pool the power of your rig with those of other players.
  • By protecting the network, you may contribute to the decentralized revolution.
  • You can mine other Bitcoin derivatives as well, as SHA-256 is used by many coins.


  • A higher network hash rate may make it less likely for you to receive block rewards.
  • Like other cryptocurrencies, BSV is volatile, and its returns occasionally fall short of its costs.
  • ASICs are quite expensive to operate.
  • Because you only receive compensation according to how much you contribute to the pool’s hash rate, pooling can lower predicted revenues.

Top Bitcoin Mining Hardware SV

ASICs for mining Bitcoin SV come in a variety of varieties that you may purchase and install on the market. As a general rule of thumb, an ASIC miner with more power has more hash power, which increases your chances of being the first to solve the hash puzzles and get the block reward. We are aware that several financial and economic factors may influence your choice. 

An affordable option for those looking to join mining pools, the Antminer T9+ is an entry-level ASIC miner (in comparison to the newest models). It is a small, powerful machine that can be modularly connected with other T9+ units to form a single, powerful mining rig, or even a farm. With a production rate of 3.5 TH/S, it can be purchased from Amazon for about $650.

The DragonMint T1 from Halong Mining is another well-liked option among professional miners. Peaking at 16 TH/s, it was the first of its kind to employ sophisticated chip manufacturing techniques to fit in even more processing power while using a lot less electricity than its competitors. The price tag for the DragonMint T1 is $2,729.

The biggest ASIC producer in the world, Bitmain is renowned for consistently outpacing its rivals. You should look into their Antminer S19 and S19 Pro variants if you have a lot of money. The standard model produces 95 TH/s, but its more potent relative can achieve up to 110 TH/s. The price of an S19 Pro machine is a whopping $3,769.

Before you can set up your mining operation and start minting new coins, you also need mining software in addition to hardware. The BSV mining software you select will rely on your hardware tool or mining pool. There are other solutions available for you to choose from.

To set up your cryptocurrency wallet to receive funds and connect your hardware to the network, you need mining software. You should pay close attention to this since the software interface is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices, especially if you want to mint BSV on the go.

The application software is the same since miners that utilize Bitcoin SV mining equipment also use them to mint other SHA-256 coins, such as BTC or BCH.

Keep in mind that if the ASIC miner doesn’t already have mining software installed, you will only need to download and install it. To find out if your hardware and the supported mining software are compatible, you should also contact the mining pool.

These days, CGminer and BFGminer are the most widely used mining programs. These provide you with a command-line interface (CLI) so you may participate actively in the mining process. You can also look into EasyMiner, MultiMiner, and Awesome Miner, which are all excellent choices.

Is it Possible for Me to Mine Bitcoin SV on My PC?

In theory, you could. However, considering that ASIC miners are now the most widely used technology for mining SHA-256 coins, that isn’t really feasible. 

A personal computer is just not equipped to mine BSV since it requires far greater hashing power. When Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin in 2009, using a CPU was undoubtedly feasible. 

That was the case for a while, but miners switched to graphics cards (GPUs) as the network expanded and more potent computers became necessary. However, in the face of incredibly potent gadgets like application-specific integrated circuits, that too isn’t particularly competitive.

As previously mentioned, if you wish to mine BSV profitably today, you should get an ASIC and join a mining pool.

Other Expenses to Think About

Buying the greatest hardware your budget will allow you to afford is only one aspect of mining. Before choosing to purchase an ASIC, you need to consider a lot of other factors and expenses.

Since power supplies are not included with any ASIC miners, you will also need to get in touch with the manufacturer to get one of these. 

Another significant factor is the constant expense of electricity. Every business and location will charge differently. Since China has some of the lowest electricity prices, it is the country where the majority of mining (up to 75%, according to some estimates) takes place. 

Even though ASIC miners have cooling devices, if you reside in a warmer environment, you may need to spend more money on air conditioning or even bigger fans. Each of these elements raises your operating expenses, eats away at your earnings, and may even put you in the red.

Get mining now!

Now, all you have to do is link your mining rigs to a PC running the mining program. These days, the internet offers a wide variety of mining software possibilities. Miners may use the same software for all three coins because they all employ the same SHA-256 algorithm, much like Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Among the greatest on the market right now is CGMiner. With its remote access feature, you may leave your ASIC miners to operate independently while you go about your daily routine. Additionally, when a competitor mines a block before you do, you can easily switch to a different set of computations with its new block detection tool.

For Mac users, RPC Miner is the preferred option due to its integrated support for macOS. If you’re on a tight budget, BTCMiner is a great option because it’s freeware and even works with FPGAs.

Consider a few other factors, such as the mining pool’s size, and payment, if you plan to join one. There are several BSV mining pools available, such as SVPool and MemPool, where you may sign up and connect your ASIC miner to their network by following their simple instructions.

Mining Services and Solutions

Collective hash power is a huge advantage of mining pools. When pool members work together, their machines can operate as a single unit, increasing the hash rate to a point where mining blocks is practical. 

The drawback of the mining methods is that the benefits are reduced because you are only contributing a percentage of the overall hash power.

There are various payout mechanisms available for mining pools, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

Pay Per Share (PPS) pools compensate you regularly whether or not the pool mines a block. You forfeit any chance to receive specific block rewards in exchange for a constant income that is determined by your contributions.

Full Pay Per Share (FPPS): FPPS includes earned transaction fees in addition to providing a consistent revenue stream similar to PPS. The block rewards are still unpaid, and the normal payout is less than that of PPS.

Pay Per Last N Share (PPLNS): Under a PPLNS payment structure, many mining pools only pay out rewards when a block is truly mined. There is no sharing of transaction fees. If a block is located, the larger payout slightly offsets the higher risk of not getting paid.

Making a connection to mining pools is simple. To connect your mining program to their servers, simply select your preferred option and adhere to their instructions.

Purchasing ASIC miners, configuring them, finding compatible power supplies, and all the other related headaches can be too much for some people. It’s also possible that the operational costs and investment are too high. 

By registering for cloud mining, these individuals can continue to fulfill their function as miners. It functions similarly to a mining pool, except that you hire out mining equipment from someone else rather than purchasing and connecting your own mining rigs. 

All you need to do is purchase a contract that details the amount of rent to be paid, the period of the agreement, the hash rate you receive, and the anticipated rewards. You purchase the contract, and the mining is handled by someone else.

Make sure to weigh the long-term costs of cloud mining vs mining pools before making your decision. Cloud mining eliminates the large upfront costs, but occasionally the rent can be so exorbitant that, over a year or two, you wind up paying a lot more than if you had purchased the hardware yourself. We recommend you base your decisions on a reliable BSV profitability calculator.

For cloud mining services, you might look at IQMining. They provide several packages, ranging in length from a year to an ongoing one. You can specify the hash rate you wish to purchase, and their calculator provides you with all the information you need to make an easy decision. This information includes the price, maintenance, and pool fees, any bonuses, and an estimated prediction.

Be cautious to conduct extensive research before signing up for any cloud mining service. This segment of the cryptocurrency market is full of scammers, therefore you have to be extremely cautious not to fall for a scam. You can often tell if a firm is trustworthy or not by looking at Trustpilot.

After mining, where should I store my coins?

You need to keep your mining rewards in a wallet that supports BSV. This will guarantee their security and prevent hackers from stealing your hard-earned money. 

While hardware wallets offer the maximum level of protection for “cold storage” of coins, software wallets are an excellent option for people who need easy access for routine transactions.

Your decision will be heavily influenced by your goals with the mined coins, as there are several options accessible. The top Bitcoin SV wallets to keep your profits are listed below.

How Much Money Can I Make Mining Bitcoin SV?

When determining whether or not mining BSV is worthwhile, there are several criteria to take into account. Mining BSV can be profitable, but the exact amount relies on multiple factors such as the input cost of hardware and the cost of electricity.  

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

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