A cross-chain hub Greetings from Chainlink BUILD to Interport Finance

  • The Chainlink BUILD program now includes Interport Finance, a DeFi protocol that provides quick cross-chain swaps and bridge solutions.

To strengthen its ecosystem, the initiative will make use of Chainlink’s oracle services and technical assistance. The Interport Finance team declared on Thursday that the adoption of cross-chain swaps and broader DeFi expansion will be key areas of concentration.

We are thrilled to be a part of Chainlink BUILD, as it will provide us with enhanced access to Chainlink’s top industry platform and expedite the expansion of Interport Finance. We are assisting in the broad adoption of blockchain technology by creating safe onchain financial solutions and coordinating our vibrant community with the Chainlink ecosystem, according to co-founder DSB of Interport Finance.

Interport Finance’s eyes Growth of the DeFi ecosystem

Through its participation in the BUILD initiative, Interport will be able to access additional Chainlink solutions, such as Chainlink Price Feeds for real-time data and Chainlink CCIP for cross-chain transfers.

The platform stated that “our involvement in BUILD strengthens our alignment between the Chainlink and Interport communities, increases access to essential Web3 services, and provides priority support from the Chainlink ecosystem” for our integration with Chainlink.

Interport’s goal of uniting the dispersed blockchain landscape and pushing cross-chain barriers to benefit the larger DeFi ecosystem is one step closer with this integration. BUILD will work to optimize the capabilities of Chainlink’s dependable and secure oracle infrastructure to achieve this.

The three products in Interport’s product suite are: bridges that facilitate asset transfers without additional trading fees; cross-chain swaps that let users trade tokens on any blockchain network; and gas features for transfers that enable multi-chain native token refills for users.

Interport Finance will give Chainlink service providers, including stakers, access to 5% of the native token ITP’s total supply as part of the integration. The network fees required to reward the Chainlink community will be supplied by Interport.

Disclaimer : This article was created for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. An asset’s past performance does not predict its future returns. Before making an investment, please conduct your own research, as digital assets like cryptocurrencies are highly risky and volatile financial instruments.

Author: Lalit Mohan

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